2001-2005 湖南大学土木工程学院 土木工程专业 本科
2005-2008 厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院 结构工程专业 硕士
2009-2014 香港理工大学土木与环境工程学系 土木工程专业 博士
2015-2018 太阳成集团tyc33455cc土木与力学学院 讲师
2018至今 太阳成集团tyc33455cc 副教授、教研室主任
3. 《Seismic analysis of structures》(留学生)
1. 桥梁斜拉索减振。这方面的研究包括斜拉索阻尼器研发、斜拉索减振设计理论、斜拉索-阻尼系统动力响应数值模拟方法等。
2. 结构高性能阻尼器。这方面的研究包括电磁惯质阻尼器(EIMD)、自供能自适应磁流变阻尼器等高性能阻尼器的研发、理论模型及性能;以及新型组合隔震体系。
3. 结构半主动控制与主动控制。重点关注结构自供能半主动控制,复杂海况下大型起重船吊物系统的主动抑摆方法等。
4. 结构动力学与随机振动。重点关注随机激励下结构-阻尼系统的功率流理论, 结构瞬态响应的谱分析方法,车桥耦合系统的动力分析及反问题求解等。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超长索电磁惯质阻尼器多模态减振机理及设计理论, 2023.01-2026.12.
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于电磁阻尼器的斜拉索自供能半主动控制研究, 2016.01-2018.12.
3. 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,建筑结构调谐电磁惯性质量阻尼器的基础理论与实验研究,2018.01-2019.12.
4. 中国地震局工程力学研究所开放课题,含电磁惯质阻尼器的基础隔震体系间隔震性能研究,2021.10-2023.10.
5. 太阳成集团tyc33455cc自主创新基金项目,自供能纳米磁流变阻尼器的基础理论及其减震性能研究,2018.01-2020.12.
6. 横向项目,北口大桥施工期主梁动力特性测试与台风期动力响应监测,中交第二航务工程局有限公司,2021.07-2022.06.
7. 横向项目,斜拉索智能阻尼减振技术研究,中铁大桥科学研究院有限公司, 2020.09- 2021.9.
8. 横向项目,铜陵长江公铁大桥抗震分析及减震性能研究,中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司,2020.9-2021.12.
9. 横向项目,软土场地上双座串联大跨度斜拉桥减隔震性能研究,中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司,2017.9-2019.12.
10. 横向项目,船舶吊物系统摆振机理及减振控制研究,中交第二航务工程局重点实验室开放课题,2017.11-2019.1.
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于监测数据的结构被动振动控制系统性能研究, 2019.01- 2023.12. 技术骨干.
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,新型减隔震技术及其设计理论, 2018.01-2020.12.
《Engineering Reports》第一届青年编委
2022年 香港工程师学会“卓越结构大奖”研发及应用奖(排名第4)
2020年 中国公路学会科技进步一等奖(排名第9)
2020年 第十一届全国结构设计基础与可靠性学术会议“优秀青年学者论文”
2018年 湖北省技术发明二等奖(排名第4)
2017年 香港工程师学会“卓越结构大奖”研发类提名奖(排名第1)
2017年 太阳成集团tyc33455cc2016-2017年度优秀教师班主任
2016年 太阳成集团tyc33455cc2015-2016年度教学竞赛校级二等奖
2012年 爱思唯尔出版社“Engineering AudioSlides Challenge”一等奖(第一名)
2011年 第五届SHMII会议“青年研究员奖”
沈文爱, 宋婕. 《Eurocode 8:结构抗震设计》,人民交通出版社,2020.
苏原, 沈文爱. 《混凝土结构设计原理》,中国建筑工业出版社,2021.
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[2] Li Y., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Silva S. (2022). “Design formulas of electromagnetic inertial mass dampers for cable vibration mitigation.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 27(1): 06021007.
[3] Wang H., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Wei W., Kong F., Zhu S. (2022). “Performance enhancement of FPS-isolated buildings using an inerter-based: Stochastic seismic analysis and optimization.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 177:109237.
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[6] Xiao X., Xu X., Shen W.*, (2022). “Identification of frequencies and track irregularities of railway bridges using vehicle responses: A recursive Bayesian Kalman filter algorithm.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148(9): 04022051.
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[8] Shi X., Guan X., Shen W.*, Xing L. (2022). “A control strategy using negative stiffness and semi-active viscous damping for fully tracking active control force for bridge cables: Principles and simulations.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2022: e2989.
[9] Xiao X., Zhang Y., Shen W.* (2022). “A stochastic analysis method of transient responses using harmonic wavelets, part 2: Time-dependent vehicle-bridge systems” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 162:107871.
[10] Xiao X., Zhang Y., Shen W.*, Kong F. (2021). “A stochastic analysis method of transient responses using harmonic wavelets, Part 1: Time-invariant structural systems.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 160:107870.
[11] Wang H., Shen W.*, Li Y., Zhu H.P., Zhu S. (2021). “Dynamic behavior and seismic performance of base-isolated structures with electromagnetic inertial mass dampers: Analytical solutions and simulations.” Engineering Structures, 246: 113072.
[12] Wang H., Shen W.*, Zhu H.P., Kong F., Zhu S. (2021). “Stochastic seismic analysis of base-isolated structures with electromagnetic inertial mass dampers considering different soil conditions.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021.
[13] Shen W., Hu Y., Zhu H.P.*, Li Y., Luo H. (2021). “Performance enhancement in cable vibration energy harvesting employing inerters: Full-scale experiment.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2021: e2740.
[14] Shen W., Long Z., Wang H., Zhu H.P.* (2021). “Power analysis of SDOF structures with tuned inerter dampers subjected to earthquake ground motions.” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering. 7(1):010907.
[15] Xiao X., Shen W. * and He X. (2021) “Track irregularity monitoring on high-speed railway viaducts: A novel algorithm with unknown input condensation,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 147(6): 04021029.
[16] Xiao X., Xu X., and Shen W.* (2021) “Simultaneous identification of the frequencies and track irregularities of high-speed railway bridges from vehicle vibration data,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152, 107412.
[17] Xiao X., Sun Z. and Shen W.* (2020) “A Kalman filter algorithm for identifying track irregularities of railway bridges using vehicle dynamic responses,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 138, 106582.
[18] Li J.Y., Zhu S., Shi X. and Shen W. (2020) “Electromagnetic shunt damper for bridge cable vibration mitigation: Full-scale experimental study,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(1): 04019175.
[19] Shen W., Zhu S. and Zhu H.P.(2019) “Unify energy harvesting and vibration control functions in randomly excited structures with electromagnetic devices,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(1): 04018115.
[20] Li Y., Shen W.*, and Zhu H.P. (2019) “Vibration mitigation of stay cables using electromagnetic inertial mass dampers: Full-scale experiment and analysis,” Engineering Structures, 200:109693.
[21] Shen W., Niyitangamahoro A., Feng Z. and Zhu H.P. (2019) “Tuned inerter dampers for civil structures subjected to earthquake ground motions: optimum design and seismic performance,” Engineering Structures, 198: 109470.
[22] Zhu H.P., Li Y., Shen W.* and Zhu S.(2019) “Mechanical and energy-harvesting model for electromagnetic inertial mass dampers,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 120: 203-220.
[23] Shen W., Zhu S., Xu Y.L. and Zhu H.P. (2018). “Energy regenerative tuned mass dampers in high-rise buildings,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(2): 1-18.
[24] Feng Z., Shen W.* and Chen Z.Q. (2017). “Consistent Multilevel RDT-ERA for output-only ambient modal identification of structures,” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(9): 1750106-1-20.
[25] Shen W., Zhu S. and Zhu H.P. (2016). “Experimental study on using electromagnetic devices on bridge stay cables for simultaneous energy harvesting and vibration damping,” Smart Materials and Structures, 25(6): 65011-65027.
[26] Shen W., Zhu S., Zhu H.P. and Xu Y.L. (2016). “Electromagnetic energy harvesting from structural vibrations during earthquakes,” Smart Structures and Systems, 18(3): 449-470.
[27] Shen W. and Zhu S. (2015). “Harvesting Energy via Electromagnetic Damper: Application to Bridge Stay Cables," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26(1): 3-19.
[28] Zhu S., Shen W. and Qian X. (2013). “Dynamic analogy between an electromagnetic shunt damper and a tuned mass damper,” Smart Materials and Structures, 22(11): 115018.
[29] Zhu S., Shen W. and Xu Y.L. (2012). “Linear electromagnetic devices for vibration damping and energy harvesting: Modeling and testing," Engineering Structures, 34: 198-212.
[30] Shen W., Zhu S. and Xu Y.L. (2012). “An experimental study on self-powered vibration control and monitoring system using electromagnetic TMD and wireless sensors,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 180: 166-176.
[31] 沈文爱,黄鸣柳,朱宏平,何友娣,张强,双座串联大跨度斜拉桥粘滞阻尼器参数分析,世界地震工程,2020, 36(4): 155-162.
[32] 沈文爱, 曾东鋆, 朱宏平, 基于MTMD的大跨度人行悬索桥人致振动控制, 计算力学学报, 2022, 39(2):178-185.
[33] 黄鸣柳, 沈文爱*, 何铁明, 朱宏平. 双座串联大跨度斜拉桥横向约束体系研究. 地震工程与工程振动, 2020. 40(6):217-224.
[34] 李亚敏, 沈文爱*, 朱宏平, 电磁惯质阻尼器对超长斜拉索的减振性能分析, 土木工程与管理学报, 2020, 37(6):93-101.
[35] 朱宏平*, 沈文爱, 雷鹰, 袁涌, 胡宇航, 张莹. 结构减隔震控制系统性能监测、评估与提升.工程力学, 2019. 37(1): 1-16.
1. 沈文爱, 朱宏平, 李亚敏, 郭彦彬, 袁涌, 胡宇航, 一种电磁惯性质量阻尼器,ZL 20182002 6833.9
2. 沈文爱, 朱宏平, 李亚敏, 郭彦彬, 袁涌, 肖智中,一种调谐电磁惯性质量阻尼器,ZL 20182 0025655.8
3. 沈文爱,孙子航,朱宏平,一种自供能自适应磁流变阻尼器,ZL 201922434328.5
4. 沈文爱, 龙振滔,朱宏平,孙子航, 一种起重船吊物系统空间摆振的主动控制方法及系统, ZL 202110125557.8
5. 朱宏平, 沈文爱,龙振滔,孙子航,一种惯质系数可调的惯质减振系统, ZL 202011494161.2
6. 朱宏平, 沈文爱, 孙子航,一种具有电磁阻尼的调谐粘滞惯质阻尼器, ZL 202110332239.9
7. 沈文爱,朱宏平,黄灿,彭轶文,肖智中,张永涛, 一种复合非线性能量阱减振装置,ZL 2018 21410661.1