一、 个人简历
二、 研究领域
研究领域包括:工程材料,水泥水化,热动力学,微观结构,耐久性和数值模拟。现已发表9篇论文,其中7篇SCI (1区1篇,2区3篇,3区1篇,4区2篇),2篇EI。博士课题主要是采用试验方法和数值模拟对碱激发材料的反应过程和微观结构形成进行研究。基于博士研究,从机理上开发了一款数值模型和软件,即GeoMicro3D模型。GeoMicro3D模型由5个模块组成:(1) 胶凝材料的初始微观结构模拟,(2) 胶凝材料溶解,(3) 离子传输,(4) 热动力学模拟化学反应,(5) 反应产物结晶成核和增长。GeoMicro3D模型能够模拟碱激发材料的水化过程以及微观结构形成,弥补了数值模拟在碱激发材料研究上的空白。此外,GeoMicro3D模型还可以扩展运用到普通水泥研究领域。硕士课题结合电阻率法和数值模拟研究了水泥的水化过程和体积变形,如化学收缩和自收缩。
三、 代表论文
1. Yibing Zuo, Marija Nedeljkovic, Guang Ye. Pore solution composition of alkali-activated slag/fly ash pastes. Cement and Concrete Research, 115(2019) 230-250. (SCI, TOP期刊)
2. Yibing Zuo, Marija Nedeljkovic, Guang Ye. Coupled thermodynamic modelling and experimental study of sodium hydroxide activated slag. Construction and Building Materials. 188(2018) 262-279. (SCI, 2区)
3. Yibing Zuo, Zhiwei Qian, Edward J Garboczi, Guang Ye. Numerical simulation of the initial particle parking structure of cement/geopolymer paste and the dissolution of amorphous silica using real-shape particles. Construction and Building Materials. 185(2018) 206-219. (SCI, 2区)
4. Yibing Zuo, Guang Ye. Pore structure characterization of sodium hydroxide activated slag using mercury intrusion porosimetry, nitrogen adsorption, and image analysis. Materials, 11(2018) 1035. (SCI, 3区)
5. Yibing Zuo, Jianmin Zi, Xiaosheng Wei. Hydration of cement with retarder characterized via electrical resistivity measurements and computer simulation. Construction and Building Materials. 53(2014) 411-418. (SCI, 2区)
6. Yibing Zuo, Xiaosheng Wei. Relations among electrical resistivity, chemical and autogenous shrinkage of cement pastes. Advances in Cement Research, 27(2015) 175-183. (SCI, 4区)
7. Yibing Zuo, Xiaosheng Wei. Portland cement hydration by electrical resistivity method and computer simulation. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 41(2013) 451-457. (SCI, 4区)
8. Yibing Zuo, Marija Nedeljkovic, Guang Ye. Pore solution composition and solubility of alkali-activated fly ash. Key Engineering Materials, 761(2018) 65-68. (EI)
9. 左义兵,魏小胜. 粉煤灰水泥浆体的电阻率与化学收缩及自收缩的相互关系[J]. 重庆大学报,38(2015) 45-54. (核心期刊,EI)
10. Marija Nedeljkovc, Branko Savja, Yibing Zuo, Mladena Lukovic, Guang Ye. Effect of natural carbonation on the pore structure and elastic modulus of the alkali-activated fly ash and slag pastes. Construction and Building Materials, 161(2018) 687-704. (SCI, 2区)
11. Marija Nedeljkovc, Yibing Zuo, Kamel Arbi, Guang Ye. Natural carbonation of alkali-activated fly ash and slag pastes. High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet, (2018) 2213-2223. (书)
12. Kamel Arbi, Marija Nedeljkovic, Yibing Zuo, Guang Ye. A review on the durability of alkali-activated fly ash/slag systems: advance, issues, and perspectives. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55(2016) 5439-5453. (SCI, 3区)
四、 联系方式
E-mail: zuoyibing@hust.edu.cn