2014年11月-2015年5月, 香港理工大学,研究助理
2016年10月-2017年7月, 香港理工大学,研究助理
[1] 主持:国家自然科学基金-青年项目,基于多源交通时空数据融合的行程时间分布预测方法研究(41901392),26万,2020.1-2022.12
[2] 主持:湖北省自然科学基金 (面上类:青年项目),基于多源异构交通大数据的行程时间分布预测方法研究(2019CFB098),5万,2019.9-2021.9
[3] 参与: 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,行程时间不确定环境下的可靠最短路径算法研究,编号(41201466),2013-2015
[4] 参与:国家863计划重大项目课题,位置信息搜索与智能服务技术(2012AA12A211),2012-2014
[1] Lu, S.; Huang, Y.; Shi, C.*; Yang, X. Exploring the Associations Between Urban Form and Neighborhood Vibrancy: A Case Study of Chengdu, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8, 165.
[2] Shi, C., Chen, B.Y., Li, Q. Estimation of Travel Time Distributions in Urban Road Networks Using Low-Frequency Floating Car Data [J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017, 6(8): 253.
[3] Shi, C., Chen, B.Y., Lam, W.H.K., Li, Q. Heterogeneous Data Fusion Method to Estimate Travel Time Distributions in Congested Road Networks [J]. Sensors, 2017, 17(12): 2822.
[4] Chen, B.Y., Shi, C., Zhang, J., Lam, W.H.K., Li, Q., Xiang, S. Most reliable path finding algorithm for maximizing on-time arrival probability [J]. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 2016, 5(3), 253-269.
[5] Shi, C., Chen, B.Y., Li, Q., Fang Z. Estimation of travel time distributions in congested urban road networks [C]. In Proceeding of 17th International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, China,15-17, December, 2012.
[6] Li, Y., Shi, C., Li, Q. Link travel time estimation based on large-scale low-frequency floating car data [C]. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing, China, 26-28, July, 2013.
[7] Shi, C., Tam, M.L., Lam, W.H.K., Li, Q. Modeling the Effects of Rainfall Intensity on Pedestrian Speed-Flow Relationships [C]. In Proceeding of 22th Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, China, 9-11, December, 2017.
[8] 专利:陈碧宇, 时朝阳, 李清泉. 一种基于浮动车数据预测多时段行程时间分布的方法, 发明专利, 专利号:ZL2014100173814.5